Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wednesday Wedding

Happy Wednesday everyone!

Wednesdays are a great day to look forward to not only because it means that we are half way through the work week but because it means we get to do Wedding Wednesday!

Personally, I love weddings. I think they are a wonderful reminder to all those couples of the love and excitement that you feel on your very special day and something fun to look forward to for (some) of those who are single.

This week's Wedding Wednesday's topic is actually going to be food. Something we know just a little about! Just the same as color trends, wedding dress trends, and decor trends; there are food trends. This may surprise some of you, and you may not realize that you are following a trend at all!

2012 Wedding Food Trends:


Minis are a wildly growing trend in weddings and events. When serving miniature desserts, soup and sandwich shooters, or appetizers; you can deliver a big taste in a little serving. Not only are they cute, but they make eating easier in just one or two bites! Serving minis also gives your guests the option of trying different things without filling up to fast.

Healthy Options

As more and more people are aware of their food choices and growing numbers in food allergies, you can expect to see healthier options as well as allergy conscious choices. As the health trend continues you will see food items with whole grains and reduced fats. Portion sizes will be able to be noticed as well.


Couples should use their food as a way to show to their cultures and bringing two families together. Serving food items that are related to heritage opens a whole window of options that can create wonderful customized weddings. It's always fun to involve family and friends in sharing foods that have a meaning. Personalize it by serving items that are family favorites, first date meals, or dishes shared on trips taken together.

Non Traditional 

Couples don't want to serve something a friend or family member did at their wedding. Taking a more courageous route in offering foods that guests wouldn't normally taste is a fun and innovative way to let guests feel like they are somewhere exotic.

Sweet Treats

With the popularity of dessert bars is steadily growing. Couples are looking for non traditional sweets. Whether it is a truly unique wedding cake design or not serving a wedding cake at all! Doughnut Trees are a creative way of serving desserts to your guests. Another alternative to serving a traditional wedding cake is to serve a variety of cakes. Make it some of your families favorites and everyone will be happy.

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